Tuesday, March 26, 2013

on books and thank yous...

I love reading the acknowledgements at the end of a book.
It gives me a peek into to the process of the book writing (probably not the right term) and a peek into the author's life.

I had a random thought the other day that the author always thanks God at the end of the acknowledgements. Now maybe they do that because they want your last thought to be of giving all the glory to God, but I don't see why they can't give the glory to God at the beginning, too.

What if we were to write acknowledgements for each day of our life? I would want mine would go something like this~
"First of all, to God be the glory, from the moment I woke up to spring sunlight to the moment that I fell asleep to the roaring wind. I pray that I gave Him glory every moment that He gave me.
Thank you, mama and daddy, for this wonderful haven of a family that I'm growing up in.
Thank you, brothers, for giving me something to laugh about and cry about and pray about.
To my piano teacher, thank you for pushing me to keep going when "passacaglia" seemed like the longest song in the world. Now I know why you made me keep going. thank you for helping me.
Thank you, best friend, for putting a smile on my face when I read what you pinned on pinterest.  
To the amazing authors of books I've read, thank you for giving me the inspiration for this post.
Thank you, thank you, Jesus that it is finally beginning to feel like spring!
My sweet awana group, you amaze me with your ability to say so many verses. You guys rock! thanks for all the smiles.
Jesus, at the end of the day, I want it to be you that is most important.
Soli Deo Gloria!"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

the joys of being a piano teacher

A groan, a moan, a sigh, a cry.
"I can't do it." 
Oh, the joys of being a piano teacher. No, seriously, it really is joyful. Most of the time. 
Yes, all of my students have had that moment. the time where the theory is too boring, the songs are too hard, or they just don't like it.

I had it, too. there was a time, okay, a number of times when i wanted to quit piano. I really didn't like it sometimes. But my teacher made me push on. My mom made me push on. I am SO thankful for that [now].
Even when practice time seems endless, songs seemed endless, being bossed around seemed endless. I'm so grateful that they made me keep going.

Because when I see a student with victory in their eyes when they master a difficult piece, or when i see my teacher with pride in her eyes for a song well played, it makes it worth it. worth it. 
Must I keep reminding myself? actually, yes.

But I get little reminders every day that it is worth it. Like when my piano student dances around when I say "good job". Or when another student beats me in a theory contest.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

"I can do it."

Thursday, March 7, 2013

sweet tarts- the real way

my mama asked my friend and I to make a slab pie. (look it up- it's awesome.) Unfortunately, we had a lot of extra pie crust. So... what in the world will we do?!?!
make "sweet tarts", of course!
If you want to make them- they're super easy. All you do is take pie crust dough, (I'm not sure if that's the proper term) cut out circles four to five inches in diameter, put in a muffin tin and fill with your favorite filling- we used apple and strawberry preserves, and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. Yum! Even my very picky brothers liked them!

now you see the tart...
and now you don't! (They are a bit messy, as you can see...)
I hope you enjoy a very sweet day- knowing that trusting in Jesus is even sweeter than these tarts.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

on friendships...

My best friend rocks.
We seriously have the same brains, I think. We dress alike, talk alike, think alike and are pretty much alike.
We've written songs, planned camps, performed skits, laughed and cried... together.
Friends are gifts from God, they reveal His love and presence in our life. 
My sweet friends remind me that God is there. They show me His love every time I encounter them.
What is a friendship which does not budge,
What is a love that does not judge?
Do we feel these, do we know them,
Or are they silent, a hidden gem?
Is friendship like a melody,
That warms my heart and strengthens me?
Is friendship like a whispered prayer,
The quiet words to tell I care?
Is love a fortress guarding you,
A mighty force defending what's true?
Is love a haven, a safe place,
Where you can come and receive grace?
Friendship is more than words on paper,
Love is even greater.
These are proof that God does care,
These things remind us he is there.

Monday, March 4, 2013

amazing animals-and the message of truth

I had a great time today getting to hear a creation scientist speak about amazing animals today.
Did you know...
~ Those beautiful blue butterflies you see aren't actually blue? They are just reflecting the blue light.
~ Sharks "sandpaper" skin is great for efficiency and speed. Golf balls are designed the same way.
~Dogs have a million times better smelling than humans, and they can be used to sniff out cancer
~Bees have a billion times better smelling than humans, and they've been used to sniff out land mines

There were a TON more amazing facts about animals, and every one of them amazed me. And I'm not the only one. There is now a branch of scientist/engineers that study nature and copy the intelligent design and use them in modern technology. But still, nothing can compare to them amazing animals and their design- that evolutionist are trying to prove in an accident.

In Sunday school, we are studying Genesis- and learning about evolution and cells and DNA in the process. Last week they closed with this question- What will you choose? Will you choose to "go with the flow" and just let others tell you what to believe? Or will you dig a little bit deeper, study a little bit longer, and question just a bit more, in search of the truth?

We must decide to stand strong- go back to the original source of truth, The Scriptures, and shine this message of truth- both on the subject of our origin and the subject of faith in Christ.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.