Friday, January 17, 2014


soooo..... funny story of the day.
You know those smart phones everyone seems to have? Well, the one that I rely on was forgotten to be charged. You know what that means? It means we drive into town, only to find that we didn't read the email telling us that AWANA was canceled.
What in the world should we do???
We decided to have some much needed family time, and we all went out for ice cream. Fun!

This little outing helped remind me that though ice cream is sweet, there's nothing sweeter than family giggles and moments together.

So would you do something for me today?
Wherever you are, whoever you are would you just take a moment...
And giggle?

Need some help? Well.... This always makes me giggle.

Need another silly thing? I love this little video.

If that didn't make giggle you could always go with some Narnia humor...
Seriously, I think I'm just as logical as Susan. Weird.
Did you giggle? Thank you. You really are lovely. ;)