Tuesday, March 26, 2013

on books and thank yous...

I love reading the acknowledgements at the end of a book.
It gives me a peek into to the process of the book writing (probably not the right term) and a peek into the author's life.

I had a random thought the other day that the author always thanks God at the end of the acknowledgements. Now maybe they do that because they want your last thought to be of giving all the glory to God, but I don't see why they can't give the glory to God at the beginning, too.

What if we were to write acknowledgements for each day of our life? I would want mine would go something like this~
"First of all, to God be the glory, from the moment I woke up to spring sunlight to the moment that I fell asleep to the roaring wind. I pray that I gave Him glory every moment that He gave me.
Thank you, mama and daddy, for this wonderful haven of a family that I'm growing up in.
Thank you, brothers, for giving me something to laugh about and cry about and pray about.
To my piano teacher, thank you for pushing me to keep going when "passacaglia" seemed like the longest song in the world. Now I know why you made me keep going. thank you for helping me.
Thank you, best friend, for putting a smile on my face when I read what you pinned on pinterest.  
To the amazing authors of books I've read, thank you for giving me the inspiration for this post.
Thank you, thank you, Jesus that it is finally beginning to feel like spring!
My sweet awana group, you amaze me with your ability to say so many verses. You guys rock! thanks for all the smiles.
Jesus, at the end of the day, I want it to be you that is most important.
Soli Deo Gloria!"


  1. So sweet Soph! That is a good idea...... our family is doing a "gratitude" journal! Maybe we could do one together?
