Monday, March 4, 2013

amazing animals-and the message of truth

I had a great time today getting to hear a creation scientist speak about amazing animals today.
Did you know...
~ Those beautiful blue butterflies you see aren't actually blue? They are just reflecting the blue light.
~ Sharks "sandpaper" skin is great for efficiency and speed. Golf balls are designed the same way.
~Dogs have a million times better smelling than humans, and they can be used to sniff out cancer
~Bees have a billion times better smelling than humans, and they've been used to sniff out land mines

There were a TON more amazing facts about animals, and every one of them amazed me. And I'm not the only one. There is now a branch of scientist/engineers that study nature and copy the intelligent design and use them in modern technology. But still, nothing can compare to them amazing animals and their design- that evolutionist are trying to prove in an accident.

In Sunday school, we are studying Genesis- and learning about evolution and cells and DNA in the process. Last week they closed with this question- What will you choose? Will you choose to "go with the flow" and just let others tell you what to believe? Or will you dig a little bit deeper, study a little bit longer, and question just a bit more, in search of the truth?

We must decide to stand strong- go back to the original source of truth, The Scriptures, and shine this message of truth- both on the subject of our origin and the subject of faith in Christ.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

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