Monday, March 24, 2014


It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter how many times I've watched this. I always cry.


But that's okay. Because on earth, there will be tears, there will be babies dying, there will be families broken.

It's only for a little while.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sometimes I wish I was a Duggar.

It's been a long time since I've posted. Too long.

Well, life at our homestead has been busily moving along... Too fast.
Recently, when I was lookin' at my mama's facebook over her shoulder, I saw one of her friends had shared this~

I've admired the Duggars for a long time, but two things about their family really always gets me.

1. There amazing family relationship. I love how the older girls talk openly with each other, and how Mr. and Mrs. Duggar always make time for the kiddos.

2. Their modest apparel. Sometimes, when I watch stuff, I long for their cool clothes, fashionable clothes, etc. When I watch the Duggar's show, I'm always encoutaged to strive for modesty. Oh yeah, and it's not that they dress frumpy. In fact, I think they are some of the nicest dressed ladies.

Sometimes I wish I was a Duggar. I mean, from their show, they seem pretty awesome. But then I remember that I have a crazy wonderful family and I'm happy with being me.

See Jinger's (center left) outfit? That's what I wore to church today.

See? Oh, and that crazy necklace that i'm wearing? That's my mama's style rubbing off on me. ;)

And there's all my random thoughts for the day. So, I haven't read their book yet, but I'll be sure to read it and tell you about it!
Have an awesome week!

<3 Sophia